This Association shall be called the Somerset Ladies County Golf Association and shall hereinafter be known as ‘the Association’. The Ladies Section of all Golf Clubs within the current Somerset County boundaries must become affiliated to the Association.
Objectives of the Association
To further the interests of ladies’ golf in Somerset.
To affiliate to England Golf.
To take part in the County Golf Championship of England and to select and support representative teams to that end. To organise the Somerset Ladies Championship and otherwise to promote competitive golf within the County.
To support and encourage girls’ golf.
Qualification for membership of the Association shall be defined in the County Golf Regulations issued by England Golf and not subject to any change by the Association or its members.
Finance for the Association is raised by a mandatory per capita levy from every playing lady or girl member of each affiliated club.
If someone is a member of two affiliated clubs only one per capita levy is payable, normally from the player’s home club.
Affiliation fees will become payable in accordance with the rules relating to England Golf affiliation fees at the time.
The payment of the mandatory per capita levy to the County Association entitles playing lady and girl members of affiliated clubs to County membership as either:
Junior members are girls who are under 18 on Jan 1st of the relevant year.
Honorary Members are Honorary Members of the County Association, who by qualification are Full Members. They can only represent one County Association in any one year and must declare which county they choose to represent.
Life Membership may be awarded to County Members who have rendered valuable service to Somerset over a long period.
Officers of the Association
The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-Presidents (maximum of 3), the current Vice-President incorporatingthe a England Golf SW Voting Representative on the Regional Committee, a Captain, a Vice-Captain, an Hon. Treasurer, a County Junior Organiser, an England Golf SW Representative on the Regional Committee, an Hon.
Secretary, a Competitions Secretary and an Assistant Competitions Secretary. The Vice-Captain shall normally be the 2nd Team Captain and the Captain-elect. All elections of Officers shall take place at an Annual General Meeting, except that the General Committee shall have the power to fill a casual vacancy arising during the year.
(a) The President, Captain and Vice-Captain shall be elected for a period not exceeding two years, at the end of which time each of these Officers shall retire and be ineligible for re-election to the same office for one year.
(b) The Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary shall be elected for a period of three years, at the end of which time they shall retire in rotation but be eligible for re-election.
(c) The County Junior Organiser to serve for a maximum of 4 years, to be reviewed annually.
(d) The Competitions Secretary and her Assistant shall serve for a period not exceeding 2 years, at the end of which time they shall retire but be eligible for re-election.
(e) The England Golf SW Representative shall ideally serve for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 years.
Nominations for all Officers of the Association, proposed by one affiliated Club and seconded by another, shall be submitted in writing to the Hon. Secretary of the Association at least six weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Each nominee must have been a member of the Association for not less than two years and must have signified her willingness to stand for office. If necessary the Executive Committee shall meet to consider the nominations for Officers.
The Management of the Association shall be vested in a General Committee, which shall consist of the Officers of the Association and one delegate from every affiliated Club. Those with voting powers shall be the Captain, the Vice- Captain, the Vice-President as the England Golf SW Representative, the England Golf SW Representative and Club Delegates. The Chairman of the meeting shall exercise a casting vote if necessary. Only those Committee members with voting powers shall propose or second resolutions for decision by the General Committee. The President shall take the chair at meetings of the General Committee which shall be held at least 3 times a year. In the absence of the President, the Captain Vice-President shall assume the Chair.
Also entitled to attend meetings of the General Committee, but without voting power, shall be the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. Secretary, the County Junior Organiser, the Handicap Adviser, the SS Assessor, the County Senior’s Captain, the Competitions Secretary and her Assistant, Past Presidents and Vice Presidents and the County Welfare Officer.
The day-to-day running of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the President, the Vice-Presidentas the England Golf SW Representative, the Captain, the Vice-Captain, the Hon. Treasurer, the County Junior Organiser, the England Golf SW Representative the Hon. Secretary, the Competitions Secretary and her Assistant.
The Committee shall be chaired by the President (in her absence the CaptainVice-President) and shall meet at the discretion of the President (or CaptainVice-President) and the Hon. Secretary, a quorum to consist of 3 members. The right to make alterations to County competition days, refuse entry and settle disputes shall be vested in the Executive Committee. All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be ratified by the General Committee at its next meeting.
Additional meetings of the General Committee may be called by the Hon. Secretary, either on the request of the President or on the receipt of a request to do so signed by at least 10 members of the General Committee. At least 14 days’ notice of General Committee Meetings shall always be given and 12 members of the committee with voting power shall form a quorum.
Appointment and Duties of Club Delegates
Each affiliated Club shall elect from its members a delegate who shall represent them for a period of two years at least, on the Association’s General Committee. She shall be either an elected or a co-opted member of her Club’s Ladies’ Committee. Her duties are as follows: -
(a) To attend all General Committee Meetings of the Association, or to send a deputy in her place who need not necessarily be a member of her Club’s Ladies’ Committee.
(b) To act as a liaison between the General Committee of the Association and the members of her Club, ensuring that the latter are fully acquainted with all County events as well as the policies of the General Committee, and obtaining their views on all questions affecting their interests which are brought before the General Committee for decision.
Annual General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the autumn of each year at a venue to be decided by the General Committee. The date and venue of each meeting shall be announced at least three months in advance, and any notices or resolutions submitted for the consideration of the Annual General Meeting shall be received in writing by the Hon. Secretary at least six weeks in advance. Every such notice or resolution shall be proposed by a member of one affiliated Club and seconded by a member of another affiliated Club.
At least 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting an Agenda, containing all notices, nominations and resolutions duly received, shall be circulated to all members of the Association through their Club Delegates. The business to be conducted at each Annual General Meeting shall include the following:
(a) Election of the Officers of the Association for the ensuing year
(b) Election of the England Golf SW Representative
(c) Adoption of the Statement of Accounts presented by the Hon. Treasurer
(d) Receipt of Reports submitted by the following: the Captain, the Vice-Captain, the Vice-President covering only England Golf SW Representative information, the County Junior Organiser, the Handicap Adviser, the Hon. Secretary, the Competitions Secretary including any SW competitions, the Standard Scratch Assessor, the County Welfare Officer, the Representative of the Seniors’ Association and the Representative of the Somerset Ladies Past Captain’s Society.
Selection of County Teams
The selection of the County team, after taking advice from the Vice Captain and the County Coaches subject to the criteria as stated on the County website, shall be the ultimate responsibility of the Captain. The selection of the second team shall be the joint ultimate responsibility of the Captain and the Vice-Captain. A Junior Girls’ County Captain to be appointed each year, at the discretion of the Junior County Organiser and the County Executive Committee.
The colours of the Association shall be green, navy and gold. County colours shall be awarded to any member who has played in a total of ten foursomes or singles matches for the First Team in official County matches.
Second Team colours shall be awarded to any member who has played in eight foursomes or singles matches for the Second Team in official second team County matches.
Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association shall be called in one of two ways:
(a) by decision of the General Committee, when business of a sufficiently urgent and important nature arises
(b) by the Hon. Secretary, on receipt of a specific demand for such a meeting, signed by at least 50 members of the Association.
Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given to all members of the Association in writing at least 14 days in advance. The only item on the Agenda shall be that for which the Extraordinary General Meeting has been called, and no amendment shall be allowed to the formal proposition.
Amendments to Constitution and Regulations Governing County Competitions
The Constitution and Regulations may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting, provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless it be carried by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Associations voting thereon.
Objectives of the Association
To further the interests of ladies’ golf in Somerset.
To affiliate to England Golf.
To take part in the County Golf Championship of England and to select and support representative teams to that end. To organise the Somerset Ladies Championship and otherwise to promote competitive golf within the County.
To support and encourage girls’ golf.
Qualification for membership of the Association shall be defined in the County Golf Regulations issued by England Golf and not subject to any change by the Association or its members.
Finance for the Association is raised by a mandatory per capita levy from every playing lady or girl member of each affiliated club.
If someone is a member of two affiliated clubs only one per capita levy is payable, normally from the player’s home club.
Affiliation fees will become payable in accordance with the rules relating to England Golf affiliation fees at the time.
The payment of the mandatory per capita levy to the County Association entitles playing lady and girl members of affiliated clubs to County membership as either:
- Full Members who possess one or more of the qualifications laid down in the England Golf Women’s County Golf Regulations. Full Members shall be entitled to play in all County competitions including the County Championships, the 50+ Championships and for the County teams.
- Associate Members who are Full Members of another County are entitled to play in all County competitions but are excluded from the County Championships and the County teams.
Junior members are girls who are under 18 on Jan 1st of the relevant year.
Honorary Members are Honorary Members of the County Association, who by qualification are Full Members. They can only represent one County Association in any one year and must declare which county they choose to represent.
Life Membership may be awarded to County Members who have rendered valuable service to Somerset over a long period.
Officers of the Association
The Officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Vice-Presidents (maximum of 3), the current Vice-President incorporatingthe a England Golf SW Voting Representative on the Regional Committee, a Captain, a Vice-Captain, an Hon. Treasurer, a County Junior Organiser, an England Golf SW Representative on the Regional Committee, an Hon.
Secretary, a Competitions Secretary and an Assistant Competitions Secretary. The Vice-Captain shall normally be the 2nd Team Captain and the Captain-elect. All elections of Officers shall take place at an Annual General Meeting, except that the General Committee shall have the power to fill a casual vacancy arising during the year.
(a) The President, Captain and Vice-Captain shall be elected for a period not exceeding two years, at the end of which time each of these Officers shall retire and be ineligible for re-election to the same office for one year.
(b) The Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Secretary shall be elected for a period of three years, at the end of which time they shall retire in rotation but be eligible for re-election.
(c) The County Junior Organiser to serve for a maximum of 4 years, to be reviewed annually.
(d) The Competitions Secretary and her Assistant shall serve for a period not exceeding 2 years, at the end of which time they shall retire but be eligible for re-election.
(e) The England Golf SW Representative shall ideally serve for a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 years.
Nominations for all Officers of the Association, proposed by one affiliated Club and seconded by another, shall be submitted in writing to the Hon. Secretary of the Association at least six weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting. Each nominee must have been a member of the Association for not less than two years and must have signified her willingness to stand for office. If necessary the Executive Committee shall meet to consider the nominations for Officers.
The Management of the Association shall be vested in a General Committee, which shall consist of the Officers of the Association and one delegate from every affiliated Club. Those with voting powers shall be the Captain, the Vice- Captain, the Vice-President as the England Golf SW Representative, the England Golf SW Representative and Club Delegates. The Chairman of the meeting shall exercise a casting vote if necessary. Only those Committee members with voting powers shall propose or second resolutions for decision by the General Committee. The President shall take the chair at meetings of the General Committee which shall be held at least 3 times a year. In the absence of the President, the Captain Vice-President shall assume the Chair.
Also entitled to attend meetings of the General Committee, but without voting power, shall be the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. Secretary, the County Junior Organiser, the Handicap Adviser, the SS Assessor, the County Senior’s Captain, the Competitions Secretary and her Assistant, Past Presidents and Vice Presidents and the County Welfare Officer.
The day-to-day running of the Association shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the President, the Vice-Presidentas the England Golf SW Representative, the Captain, the Vice-Captain, the Hon. Treasurer, the County Junior Organiser, the England Golf SW Representative the Hon. Secretary, the Competitions Secretary and her Assistant.
The Committee shall be chaired by the President (in her absence the CaptainVice-President) and shall meet at the discretion of the President (or CaptainVice-President) and the Hon. Secretary, a quorum to consist of 3 members. The right to make alterations to County competition days, refuse entry and settle disputes shall be vested in the Executive Committee. All decisions of the Executive Committee shall be ratified by the General Committee at its next meeting.
Additional meetings of the General Committee may be called by the Hon. Secretary, either on the request of the President or on the receipt of a request to do so signed by at least 10 members of the General Committee. At least 14 days’ notice of General Committee Meetings shall always be given and 12 members of the committee with voting power shall form a quorum.
Appointment and Duties of Club Delegates
Each affiliated Club shall elect from its members a delegate who shall represent them for a period of two years at least, on the Association’s General Committee. She shall be either an elected or a co-opted member of her Club’s Ladies’ Committee. Her duties are as follows: -
(a) To attend all General Committee Meetings of the Association, or to send a deputy in her place who need not necessarily be a member of her Club’s Ladies’ Committee.
(b) To act as a liaison between the General Committee of the Association and the members of her Club, ensuring that the latter are fully acquainted with all County events as well as the policies of the General Committee, and obtaining their views on all questions affecting their interests which are brought before the General Committee for decision.
Annual General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting shall be held in the autumn of each year at a venue to be decided by the General Committee. The date and venue of each meeting shall be announced at least three months in advance, and any notices or resolutions submitted for the consideration of the Annual General Meeting shall be received in writing by the Hon. Secretary at least six weeks in advance. Every such notice or resolution shall be proposed by a member of one affiliated Club and seconded by a member of another affiliated Club.
At least 21 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting an Agenda, containing all notices, nominations and resolutions duly received, shall be circulated to all members of the Association through their Club Delegates. The business to be conducted at each Annual General Meeting shall include the following:
(a) Election of the Officers of the Association for the ensuing year
(b) Election of the England Golf SW Representative
(c) Adoption of the Statement of Accounts presented by the Hon. Treasurer
(d) Receipt of Reports submitted by the following: the Captain, the Vice-Captain, the Vice-President covering only England Golf SW Representative information, the County Junior Organiser, the Handicap Adviser, the Hon. Secretary, the Competitions Secretary including any SW competitions, the Standard Scratch Assessor, the County Welfare Officer, the Representative of the Seniors’ Association and the Representative of the Somerset Ladies Past Captain’s Society.
Selection of County Teams
The selection of the County team, after taking advice from the Vice Captain and the County Coaches subject to the criteria as stated on the County website, shall be the ultimate responsibility of the Captain. The selection of the second team shall be the joint ultimate responsibility of the Captain and the Vice-Captain. A Junior Girls’ County Captain to be appointed each year, at the discretion of the Junior County Organiser and the County Executive Committee.
The colours of the Association shall be green, navy and gold. County colours shall be awarded to any member who has played in a total of ten foursomes or singles matches for the First Team in official County matches.
Second Team colours shall be awarded to any member who has played in eight foursomes or singles matches for the Second Team in official second team County matches.
Extraordinary General Meeting
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association shall be called in one of two ways:
(a) by decision of the General Committee, when business of a sufficiently urgent and important nature arises
(b) by the Hon. Secretary, on receipt of a specific demand for such a meeting, signed by at least 50 members of the Association.
Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be given to all members of the Association in writing at least 14 days in advance. The only item on the Agenda shall be that for which the Extraordinary General Meeting has been called, and no amendment shall be allowed to the formal proposition.
Amendments to Constitution and Regulations Governing County Competitions
The Constitution and Regulations may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting, provided that no such resolution shall be deemed to have been passed unless it be carried by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of the Associations voting thereon.