Eligibility: Somerset Senior ladies 60+ are eligible to play in the SW Vets Field Days and all entrants must be members of their County Seniors/Veteran ladies Golf Association.
Format: Not yet available
Entry Fee: payment by BACS: £24 per player
Format: Not yet available
Entry Fee: payment by BACS: £24 per player
Start Sheets will be sent to County Delegates and will also appear on the Somerset County Website two weeks before the event.
A sunny morning greeted ladies from around the Counties for the Autumn Meeting. Clouds did appear from time to time but they didn’t drop anything on the Course.
The main Organiser for the day was Carole Paterson, one of the Somerset Seniors subgroup. She collected Entries and drew up a Start list. In the end there were enough ladies to go ahead; 42 entries, though a few couldn’t play on the day. Thanks to you, Carole! The ladies from Weston turned out in force to help on the desk and as Starter. Thank you and special thanks to Carol Kelley who worked on the computer before and during the day preparing the cards and entering and processing the results. Thanks also to the Bar and Catering staff who kept ladies fed and watered. There was a Ball Draw in aid of the Children’s Hospice South West; thanks to Caroline Lumley-Frank, and £124 was raised. The Course was in good condition although there was some ball searching in the rough! Some ladies stayed for the Presentation; see photos. Thanks Jan! This was the last of the 4 Meetings organised by Somerset Senior ladies subgroup in each of the 4 Counties during their 2 years running the SW Vets. We have enjoyed our 2 years and the subgroup has worked well as a team. Best wishes to Cornwall who are taking over. Jill Paul, Chair. Kay Luckett, Secretary. Jan Bishop, Treasurer. Carole Paterson, Competitions. |